Monday, February 28, 2011

What a colourful start to our trip. They are not joking when you talk about the hustle and bustle of the streets in Cambodia. Our experience into the roads was firstly in a van - relatively safe - only because we are the bigger ones. But riding in a tuk tuk is very daunting. But of cause you just go with the flow.

We have been to S21 and the Killing Fields today to get a background into the history of Cambodia and had a traditional meal with a family. And so many things in between.

Cambodia was devastated by the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s and they are still finding skulls today. We actually met one of the few survivors - he just happened to be at the museum.

The children are beautiful - and some very cheeky with their bartering.

Many homeless or street people and many trying to find their path.

Have seen first hand already on our first day the sex trafficking industry with a older man offering a teenage boy to me.

We also visited the AFESIP Fashion Fair where some of the girls get jobs sewing and making garments. Of course we all brought something custom-made. But it is set up to give the girls a new start in life and they have the proper work ethic and workers rights with time off, hospital cover and a babysitting service in the same building.

All an amazing sight to see.

We head to an overnight stay at New Hope Orphanage tomorrow - so no access to the net. No power after 8pm either.

Bathrooms are interesting too but maybe that is a story for the select few.

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